
Medieval Manor

The Medieval Manor - View the following clip listed below


1. What image does the presenter say most people have in their minds when they think of the medieval period?

2. Who were the castle builders in the part of England the presenter is describing?

3. The presenter says he is going to tell the story of ordinary people in the Middle Ages. Why does he need to go out into the countryside to do that?

4. What changes brought to England following 1066 does the presenter mention?

5. What does the presenter say was the main change in the lives of ordinary people?

The Manor

6. How old is the manor house that the presenter visits?

7. What was the name of the Norman who took over the manor from the Saxon lord Aildred?

8. (a) What primary written source has the presenter used to find out how old this manor house is?

(b) Why was this book put together in 1086?

(c) Why is the book extremely helpful to historians today?

9. People had different roles on a medieval manor. Name four different roles that are mentioned by the presenter and, also, illustrated on-screen.

10. (a) How were the houses of the ordinary people different from the houses of the rich people,according to the presenter?

(b) Why have the houses of the ordinary people disappeared from the landscape?

11. The presenter mentions one mark on the landscape where one of the ordinary people carried on his business. What is that mark?

12. According to the presenter, how different would the landscape have looked back in the 11th century?

13. According to the presenter, what crops did the people of the manor grow?

14. According to the presenter, why was it necessary for most English people of the time to spend most of their day working in the fields?

15. According to the presenter, how was the land of the manor divided up?

16. What does the presenter mean by the term „ox-team‟?

17. Some of those working on the manor were villeins; others were serfs. In what ways were their conditions different?

18. What did villeins and serfs get from the lord of the manor in return for the work they did for him?

19. Why were people living on the manor sometimes fined at "manorial courts‟ where the lord was in charge?

20. In what ways were the lives of villagers restricted at this time, as the records of the manorial courts show?

Posted by Niamh

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